Wednesday, June 13, 2012

And so it starts...

(This picture was taken back in the Winter of 2011)

As most of you who are reading this blog know, Heath has started building a house in Creedmoor, NC on Brassfield Road! He has had land up there for over a year with the hopes of building a house on it...for someone reason he didn't get started in 2011 (wink wink)...anyway, the time has come and he has begun to build. The purpose of this blog is to let you follow on this adventure with him/us as the house-building progresses. It is strictly my purpose to keep you updated, informed, entertained (there will be some funny moments) and maybe you'll be inspired for a little DIY around your house! I will update as much as possible! Thanks for your support and come see the house taking shape!

May 22- Wayne on the big machine (that's my term) clearing the trees! He loved showing off when I said "I want to see you pick up a tree with that thing!"

And so he did!

You can see that grin a mile away :)

Standing where house will sit looking up driveway to road

1st picture: 1/2 way up driveway looking down to where house will sit
2nd picture: Waylon taking it all in and most likely planning where he will like to play!

More pictures to come as soon as I can get the rest from my iPhone to my computer!
Love, Caroline


  1. Love it Caroline!! Great idea and one that you both will enjoy for a long time!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW! That's a lot of progress! Looking good and moving along nicely. Thanks for the update!
