Monday, June 18, 2012

We've been framed....floor framed that is!

Today was a very productive day on Brassfield Rd...the subfloor framing was started and completed all in one days work! The transformation is unbelievable. Heath was watching over the workers for most of the day and he made sure they did the job right! It looks awesome! It's coming along and we are so excited!

This picture was taken Sunday 6/17...Heath and I worked for almost 4 hours leveling out the dirt that was in piles inside the foundation. If you can picture it, there were huge, hard piles of dirt in the middle of the rows of the concrete blocks that had to be leveled, so we were out there with shovels, a yard rake, and a maddock (huge pick-axe looking tool to break up the big clumps of dirt that had hardened from the rain). It was back-breaking work but we made sure to take lots of Gatorade breaks and sat in the shade to cool off. We were both so sore this morning! But hard works pays off because that crawl-space is so clean, level and roomy (for when Heath has to climb under the house:)

This picture was taken today. You are viewing the front of the house! Who thought 2 people would be so excited about a subfloor! But we are!!!

This picture is for bragging rights only. We were so proud of the sweat-equity we put in on Sunday to make the crawl space lookin' good!

Hope everyone had a great Monday! More lumber to come Thursday. Get excited :)


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